
Miss World's Arrival for the Miss Uganda 2019 Pageant (Talent Africa Events)

Reigning Miss World Vanessa Ponce De Leon and Miss World CEO Julia Morely arrived in Uganda on Tuesday July 23rd 2019 for the Miss Uganda Pageant Grand Finale happening on July 26th at Sheraton Kampala Hotel.

She was received by Reigning Miss Uganda and Miss World Abenakyo Quinn, Miss Uganda Foundation CEO Brenda Nanyonjo, our CEO Aly Allibhai Miss Uganda Project Coordinator Sylvia Wilson Allibhai and the media.

Part of the activities scheduled during her stay include, a State visit, the Pearl of Africa tour, engagement in Beauty with a purpose projects and will conclude at the crowning finale of #MissWorld #VanessaPonceDeLeon #MissUganda2019


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