The Miss Multiverse organization just announced Kim Covert will be representing the Philippines in the 2019 World Finals and we can not wait to see and hear more about this amazing woman.
This is what we know from the contest’s official facebook page @MissMultiverse;
Meet Miss Multiverse Philippines 2019;
Kim Covert, age 24, height 1.78, winner of Miss Earth Philippines Water 2014, BINIBINING CEBU TOURISM 2018, international model and Musician. She has a university degree in Music and plays several music instruments and used it as a platform for her advocacy.
Growing up on the islands, she loves the outdoors and values nature. She has been in the entertainment industry for over 8 years doing fashion, performing, music, and photography. She is also a mother to a sweet little boy named Sol Genesis.
She will compete at the personality contest world finals of Miss Multiverse 2019, Nov 28 to Dec 20, 2019, 7th edition at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana and the TV Reality program “I am Multiverse”
#crown #contest #TVReality #Model #MissMultiverse @LiindaGrandia @RamonaHaar @hrhcpuntacana #philippines #pageant #woman
The Miss Multiverse Contest is a completely new concept, you can not really call it a beauty pageant. Although all contestants are beautiful they are scored on how Multi-faceted they are.
The Reality TV program “I am Multiverse” lifts this tough contest to a completely new level where we the audience get a real look into what winning or loosing in this contest is all about.
We can not wait to meet the other 28 contestants. Good luck Kim Covert in this tough contest.
If you want to see what this contest is all about then watch an episode here;
Instagram: @missmultiverse
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